标题: 蛋疼转贴之四 JEEP YJ(中英对照 全图 分析) [打印本页] 作者: jerrytong 时间: 2011-3-24 23:51 标题: 蛋疼转贴之四 JEEP YJ(中英对照 全图 分析) In a perfect world, all Jeep vehicles would come with a super-flexy suspension right from the factory. And though the world today is far from perfect, you can pick up a brand-new Wrangler JK, which, if properly equipped, will out-flex anything else in stock form. However, this was not always the case with Wranglers, particularly pre-'97 leaf-sprung YJs and CJs. Leaf-spring technology, even at its best, was less than impressive by today's standards. For those of you who own a Jeep on leaf springs, it is necessary to significantly alter your suspension system to have the benefits of ample articulation.
在这个美好而和谐的世界,不是每辆JEEP都能带着超大行程的悬挂离开生产线,虽然他们很乐意这样。(我的意思是,在这个和谐安康的国度,不是每辆20都能完好如初的被送到那些傻到去买北汽的车的人手里,虽然他们很乐意)显然这离完美还有一段很长的距离,你可以随便捡一辆崭新的JK,经销商的商品清单里有足够多的现代装备供你选择并让你的JK拥有绝对的回头率以及足以傲视群雄的出色性能。但是,Wranglers不能总是如此一成不变,尤其就97年之前的那些装载了钢板弹簧(leaf-spring 钢板弹簧 叶片弹簧)的YJ和CJ们。显然,最简单直接的钢板弹簧结构决定了他们很难于当今业界的标准相抗衡,更加难以实现那些夸张的行程。不过为了那些仍让使用钢板弹簧的JEEP们梅开二度(其实我是想说20们。。。),我们可以通过彻底改造把简单结构的潜在优越性一丝不留的发挥出来。必须的!
Let's talk about ride quality too. Every leaf-sprung Jeep ever made had a silly forward-mounted pivoting shackle arrangement for the front axle. Looking back, we're still wondering why the factory didn't wise up and put the shackle behind the axle, where it could react naturally as the suspension cycled going down the road. This trick is called a shackle reversal, and it enhances ride quality while offering vast improvements in durability over forward-mounted shackles. Simply put, reverse-mounted shackles are superior.
我们再来谈谈舒适性(ride quality 驾乘品质),愚蠢的前桥固定方式让每一辆装载有钢板弹簧的JEEP毫无舒适可言(20何尝不是?)。想当初,我们觉得奇怪为什么厂家不能聪明点把吊耳放在车轴的更后面一些。这可能会让悬挂在道路上的表现能更加游刃有余。这招叫吊耳大挪移(我瞎掰的shackle reversal实在不知道如何理解。。。) 这个办法大幅提升舒适性的同时也延长了使用寿命(估计是钢板的使用寿命,底座移动的话等于就是延长钢板长度,详见本人最近的钢板弹簧),反向吊耳会提供更加明显的改善(reverse-mounted shackles一种吊耳结构相当特殊的东西,已经被大别山认定为圣物了)
That is why we decided to show you an affordable way to convert a Jeep CJ-in our case a Scrambler-to the superior setup. Along the way, we decided to show off an affordable way to add lift and axle beef at the same time. No single setup is perfect-this one happens to emphasize trail performance, yet the same parts we used in this particular project can be set up to provide gains in street ability too. Follow along now as we super-size a Jeep for cheap.
This is the hot ticket for Jeep builders who want to run full-width axles under a CJ or YJ. This kit is twice as nice because you get a front bumper and a shackle reversal from one product. It's called the Full Width Axle Kit from Blue Torch Fab Works (BTF). The kit includes all the necessary hardware to convert a leaf-sprung Jeep over to a shackle reversal and full-width axles. Made from 3/16-inch sheet steel, the material is laser-cut by Blue Torch Fab Works and then CNC-formed into parts that get welded and finally finish-ground for good looks. The kit is sold for the low price of $529.99.