If you want to see a crude vehicle, take a look at the Beijing Jeep! It makes the Lada Niva look highly sophisticated. A small number were imported into South Africa and nowhere on earth are they worse suited. They are unreliable and spare parts are not available. No longer available, they are an excellent example of a vehicle imported into the country by someone looking to make a fast buck. 大概翻译一下: 如果你想看一辆车有多粗糙,那就看看北京JEEP吧。跟它比起来,连拉达尼瓦都好很多。它们有一小部分进口到南非,却很难适应道路情况。它们质量不可靠,而且也买不到配件。最后一句make a fast buck不知道什么意思,但肯定也不是什么好话。 同时还有对UAZ的评价,说得都比咱20好多了,如下: Visitors to Mozambique may be familiar with these vehicles - Russia’s working man’s 4x4. These vehicles are as basic as you can get. The Uaz 31512 is the all-purpose workhorse, seven seats with a payload of only 100kgs while the 3035 is the load carrier, with a payload of only 800kgs! They are both powered by a 2,4-litre 4-cylinder petrol engine producing 66,9 k and have all-round drum brakes. There are seven derivatives of the 33035. 这个就不翻译了,虽然没说什么特别的好话,但也没有像20那样贬低它,人家UAZ可是和咱20同一个年代的产物啊。人家老毛子的东西简陋,但是扎实,没20这么容易出毛病。BJC要是多一些责任心,我想20在人国外也不会落这么一个名声了。 这个是原网站,有兴趣的看看吧。 http://4xforum.co.za/vguide/vari.html |